Friday, February 12, 2010

Catch-up....Ally is 6 Months Old

First, I apologize to all followers. Ally has kept us so busy and with the Holidays we have been out straight. The month of December brought many fun milestones and adventures. Ally began settling in well with daycare and preparing for the holidays. Her first Christmas was very memorable. On Christmas Eve, Papa, Grammie, Auntie, Uncle, Marc, Matthew, Michael, Melissa and Pepe Sue came over for the day. Of course, we indulged in a spread of food many generous gifts. Ally received some cute clothes, books, "big" girl toys, a new bath tub and best of all, her own solid wood sled. That night we made the journey to Maine for a repeat performance the next day. Sadly, daddy had to stay behind to work, but met up with us later in the week. Once again, another day filled with love, laughter, plenty of food and very thoughtful gifts. After this point, things took a minor turn for the worst..............

The day after Christmas was filled with a day at the vets for Bailee who had nothing wrong with her according to the lab results. After that, we decided we needed to go up to Auntie and Uncle's in Hampden to make the best of the rest of the week. Ally decided she wasn't going to make this week a restful one for her mommy. The nights were filled with non-stop crying, a puking episode and just plain old restlessness. Bailee decided to add to the fun and fall down the stairs at 3AM one morning as well. Despite the lack of sleep, we did spend some quality time with Auntie and Uncle and did some fun outdoor activities like snowmobiling, sledding and out shopping in the blistering cold. After a long week, we finished strong by driving for a full day back to CT in a blizzard.

The most memorable milestone came upon our return from Maine. Without fully understanding why we had a week from HEXX and sleepless nights, we decided we were going to try and remove the swaddle from Ally's nighttime routine. After one night of off and on crying, the swaddling habit was broken. I never throught I would be able to say this, but Ally is swaddle free, sleeping through the night for about 12 hours straight and mommy and daddy couldn't be more proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We finished off the month with her 6 month check up. She weighed in at 17 pounds 12 ounces, and was 26 1/2 inches long. That puts her in the 50-75 percentile for her age. What a happy and healthy little girl!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ally is 5 Months Old!

Ally was such a trooper for her Christmas pictures. They were so adorable. Hopefully you all saw them on her Christmas card. She is doing really well at her new Daycare. She came home with a Christmas gift for her mommy and daddy yesterday. They made her footprints in plaster. It brought tears to our eyes. She is happier than ever and has even slept through the night a few times recently. She is getting so big and brings more and more joy to our lives every day! We will have a weight and height update on her 6 month posting. Can't wait to spend the Holidays with Ally! Santa will have tons of gifts for her because she has been such a good girl!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ally's First Thanksgiving and First Taste of Cereal

Thanksgiving weekend was filled with lots of milestones. First and most importantly, Ally got to spend her first Thanksgiving with her family and cousin Bradley who is only 6 weeks older, but twice as big as her. She also took her first stab at eating cereal and had a blast. It didn't take her long to get the hang of it. I think she will be ready for fruits and veggies before you know it. Next on our list of things to do; Christmas pictures. We are having so much fun!!

Ally is 4 months old!

Ally went to the Doctors on November 12th for her 4 month appointment. She weighed in at 14 pounds 8 ounces. She was 25 inches long. She is very healthy and took her shots like a champ. The next few weeks bring on many more changes in her life. She is preparing to move with her mommy, daddy and her doggie to Canton on the 23rd and Thanksgiving day is right around the corner. More updates to come.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


An update from the 11 week posting is long overdue. So many things have taken place and of course my "alone" time to update this has decreased dramatically. Ally is becoming more and more mobile every day. Here is a summary of October.....

October began by moving Ally out of her car seat sleeping arrangement and into her crib. We succeeded. Ally currently goes to bed around 7-8 and sleeps all night with only getting up once to feed. She also met her friend Charlie and had a great play date. Gotta love seeing more and more of the stay at home dads. Next she succeeded in helping her mommy and daddy sell their condo and move on to a better location and home for Ally. She also started playing in both her exersaucer and jumperoo. She is still a bit small for them but gets an A for effort. We finished up the month by trick or treating as a butterfly. She was so adorable. It is hard to believe she is 4 months old already and hopefully we can keep up with this blog to share more milestones. 4 month old pictures to come in the next couple of days! Can't wait to see what she learns to do in the coming weeks.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ally is 11 Weeks Old and Vacation

Ally has made it to 11 weeks old already and enjoyed a great vacation in Maine. We spent the week with Auntie Courtney and Uncle Ty. We hit all the hot spots in Maine such as Kittery Trading Post, LL Bean and Freeport, Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, Uncle Ty's camp and Aunt Janet and Uncle Boe's 25th wedding anniversary party. We had a blast and I was a trooper on all the adventures. Now only 3 1/2 weeks until mommy goes back to work and I am focusing on sleeping at night. Almost 3 months old, so I am ready to sleep like a big girl.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ally is 10 weeks old!

Another week under our belts. Daddy worked a lot this week and I wasn't the best sleeper at night. I had to make it up to him by bringing him breakfast in bed and then cuddling with him that morning. Also, I hit another milestone way ahead of schedule. I rolled over 3x from belly to back on the floor. It has only happened once, but it was very exciting. Also, I finally have enough neck strength to sit in my bumbo seat. I am getting to be such a big girl.

Off to Maine now for a 12 day vacation with my family. Can't wait to show you my exciting pictures next week!! Stay tuned.